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发布时间:2023-05-30 09:20 录入:admin 热量值:3218

  n. 希腊字母的第八字

  n. the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet



  Sine 2 theta equals 2 sine theta cosine theta.


  into theta, bless this house and bless this body.

  到西塔 保佑这栋房子 保佑这具躯体

  Linking all these activities is a code name theta protocol.

  和这些活动都有关联的就是个代号 西塔规程

  Coulson didn't just keep the specifics of theta protocol from you.


  I'll be monitoring vitals, theta rhythms, stable neocortex.

  我会监视生命体征 θ波[脑电波] 和皮层诱发电位

  Theta rhythms show a slight bump but not within our range.

  θ节律出现微小波动 但不在我们的范围内

  Bravo, uncle, theta, one, two, zero, eight... four.

  BUT 1208...4

  The only thing we found linking all these activities is a code name theta protocol.

  我们找到的唯一和这些活动都有关联的 就是个代号 西塔规程

  It induces theta brainwave frequencies to help uncover the secrets buried in the subconscious.

  它能诱发西塔脑电波频率 协助挖掘隐藏在潜意识里的秘密

  Okay, it's hard to get a good reading through all the bedding, but it looks like her theta waves are down to 10.

  床上用品挡着 所以读数不很精确 但她的西塔波看来已经低于10赫兹了
