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发布时间:2023-05-30 09:18 录入:admin 热量值:3218

  a. 身心的, 身心失调的

  [医] 身心的, 心身的

  s. used of illness or symptoms resulting from neurosis



  So that's when my shrink explained that it was psychosomatic.

  而那时我的心理医生说 这只是受到了心理因素的影响

  I know what psychosomatic means, doctor, but it's not that.

  我知道心因性指什么 大夫 但不是那样

  They're probably just psychosomatic these things you're feeling.

  或许只是身心失调 我是说你的这些感受

  Yeah, yeah, she complains about this a lot, but doctors say it's psychosomatic.

  没错 她抱怨了很久了 医生说这只是心理上的

  It could be psychosomatic, a reaction to her son's death if it was sunny the day he died.

  她可能是受了心理* 儿子去世那天如果是晴天的话

  That I was pretty much convinced was psychosomatic, but then after this last episode, he fainted.

  我之前很确定他是身心失调 但是最后 他晕倒了

  I don't know if it's the weather, psychosomatic or what, but there seems to have been an effect, in terms of I'm just not bunged up as much as I used to be.

  ? Ч ?

  There was this one brown liquid that I thought made my nipples tingle for a second, but I think it was psychosomatic, because I polished off the rest of it and didn't feel shit.

  我发现一种棕色液体 让我以为*因此痛了一下 后来发现只是错觉 因为我把剩下的都喝光了 还是屁感觉没有
