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发布时间:2023-05-16 06:49 录入:admin 热量值:3218

  n. 填塞物, 填料

  n. a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables

  n. padding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniture



  In fact, I love getting stuffed by your stuffing.

  事实上 我非常享受被你的火鸡填料撑死

  No, it's a shrimp stuffed in a crab stuffed in a flounder in a turkey in a duck in a chicken in an otter in a manatee in a bear in an elephant in a whale.

  不是 那是虾塞在螃蟹里 再塞进比目鱼 再塞进火鸡 再塞进鸭子 再塞进一只鸡 再塞进水獭 再塞进海牛里 再塞进熊里 再塞进大象 再塞进鲸鱼

  And then I stuffed the pearls down their throats.


  If she's like this all day, we are stuffed.

  如果她整天都这样 我们就完蛋了

  I panicked and stuffed it in her wheelchair.

  我惊慌失措 把*塞进了她的轮椅里

  He'll be all right, but it's knocked the stuffing out of him.

  他不会有事 但他真的吓坏了

  Unless he was stuffing it in your gstring.


  I folded her up, and I stuffed her inside.

  我把她折起来 塞到箱子里

  Which is why she was stuffed in the trunk of his car.


  That looks delicious, but I am stuffed.

  看起来很好吃 但我已经饱了
