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myth什么意思 myth的例句

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-08 18:19:31 分类:指南 浏览:139

  n. 神话, 虚构的事, 虚构的人

  n. a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people



  You know about this myth, right? I've heard about this myth.

  你知道这个说法吧 我听说过

  The myth that aliens are responsible for the geoglyphs there it's not a myth at all.

  传说中那里的地质印痕 是外星人造成的 那并不是传说

  So back and forth we go, myth to myth, pulsating.


  The myth is... if it's a myth, is that, uh, everyone in the world has, uh, an identical double.

  传说... 如果这算传说的话 世界上每个人都有个一模一样的分身

  That 17year myth, that $400,000 myth that you throw in my face every time you get on your little high horse.

  十七年 四十萬的故事 每次你洋洋得意盛氣凌人的時候 都會拿來羞辱我的故事

  I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person, that the myth that ?you'd held onto for so long of a better life, a life where she lived, was just that, a myth.

  我想让你看到 *妈也只是个人 你执着于的那个神话 有她在的更好的人生 只是个神话

  I did this because 'security' is a myth.


  But it is a myth that what we do is all science.


  It's a myth, and I've heard it before.

  那是个神话 我以前听过

  That was their theory, or belief, or myth.

  那是他们的理论 信念 或者说神话



