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tetra单词的意思,例句 供大家参考一下

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-07 15:33:48 分类:网络 浏览:134

  n. 脂鲤

  n. brightly colored tropical freshwater fishes



  I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I have tetra.

  我在这儿 我在这儿 我有四环素

  She said she had tetra it's got to be here.

  她说她有四环素 肯定就在附近

  You find the tetra, you don't wait for me.

  你要是找到四环素 不用等我

  I gave him your tetra, but he got worse.

  我给他用了四环素 可他状况更糟了

  You stay here with the stacks, look for some tetra.

  你继续待在这儿 找找四环素

  No one gets between us and the tetra.

  我们必须排除万难 取得四环素

  They've been cutting the tetra and then killing anyone who complains about it.

  他们一直在削减四环素的量 而谁抱怨就杀了谁

  He just needs tetra, and he'll help us.

  他就是需要四环素 就能帮我们

  They cleaned us out of meds, including tetra.

  他们把药品洗劫一空 包括四环素

  We'll find some tetra, make everything okay.

  我们会找到四环素 让一切恢复正常



