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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-05-17 20:03:31 分类:网络 浏览:55

  n. 供应;补给

  n the activity of supplying or providing something

  v give something useful or necessary to

  v circulate or distribute or equip with

  v give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance

  v state or say further



  I supply him with what he wants, he supplies me with what I want.

  我给他他想要的 他给我我想要的

  If the supply is low, he'll create supply.

  既然供不应求 他就让它"供可应求"

  I need gardening supplies, you need cleaning supplies.

  我需要园艺用品 而你需要清洁用品

  Your job isn't to change people, but you supply the most important service a government can supply to its citizens.

  你的工作不是去改变人 但你提供一项服务 正是政府给公民提供的最重要的服务

  From witnessing your protective behavior over your supplies earlier today, my statistics indicate that your ration supply may be running low.

  今天早些时候看到你 小心翼翼地使用物资 根据我的统计推测 你的粮食已经所剩无几

  You couldn't supply them, they came to me.

  你没供货 他们就来找我了

  From there, they could supply, they could provision.

  在那儿 他们可以补给 他们可以给养

  I'll have him replenish the other supplies, too.


  But, with your supplies, you should be golden.

  但你物资齐全 什么都好说

  We don't have the supplies or the personnel.

  我們沒有物資 也沒有人手



