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press是什么意思 press意思是出版社,指进行

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-03-28 22:31:27 分类:妙招 浏览:84

  press意思是出版社,指进行图书、图画、杂志,报纸和电子物品等有版权物品的出版活动的组织。中国大陆如:人民教育出版社、中国农业出版社、中国林业出版社等。台湾地区:东立出版社。日本:集英社、小学馆等。2017年12月1日,《公共服务领域英文译写规范》正式实施,规定出版社标准英文名为Press或Publishing House。

  V-T If you press something somewhere, you push it firmly against something else. 推; 挤V-T If you press a button or switch, you push it with your finger in order to make a machine or device work. 按压N-COUNT Press is also a noun. 按压V-T/V-I If you press something or press down on it, you push hard against it with your foot or hand. 用力按; 用力踩V-I If you press for something, you try hard to persuade someone to give it to you or to agree to it. 竭力争取V-T If you press someone, you try hard to persuade them to do something. 极力劝说V-T If someone presses their claim, demand, or point, they state it in a very forceful way. 有力陈述

  press conference 记者招待会,新闻发布会in the press 正在印刷;即将出版press the button 按钮;按键press down 压hydraulic press 液压机;水压机;油压机associated press 美联社



