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guest是什么意思 guest的例句

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-08 19:17:15 分类:资讯 浏览:69

  n. 客人, 来宾, 旅客

  [化] 客体

  n. a visitor to whom hospitality is extended

  n. United States journalist (born in England) noted for his syndicated homey verse (1881-1959)

  n. a customer of a hotel or restaurant etc.



  Jerry is my guest, and you're my guest.

  杰瑞是我的客人 你也是我的客人

  Jacqueline is my guest, and the eating of guests is not allowed.

  杰奎琳是我的客人 拿客人当美餐可不行

  As long as you're here, you're a guest, and being a guest comes with responsibilities.

  来了就是客人 是客人就要尽点义务

  What we could do is arrange that the guests in room one moved into room two and the guest in room two moved into room four, each guest moved into the room with double the number.

  我们应该安排一号房间的客人 搬到二号房间 二号房间的客人搬到四号房间 每个房间的客人都搬到双倍数的房间中

  You'll get the guest room when you've earned the guest room.


  But, hey, if you wanna take your chances with him, be my guest, or be his guest.

  不过 如果你想在他面前试试你的运气 随便你吧 或者随便他吧

  The guests they come, guests they go, but here you are, always on the other side of that.

  客人们来来去去的 但你永远在另一边等着

  Ray booked a spot on one of our safaris, like any other guest only he wasn't any other guest.

  雷预定参加 我们的一次游猎活动 就像其他游客一样 但他不是一般游客

  Guest bathroom for all the guests that one would have over for dinner in your sweet, sweet kitchen.

  还有一间客用卫生间供所有 在你完美甜蜜的厨房里就餐的客人使用

  All you have to do is shift the guest in room one to room two, the guest from room two to room three and so on down the line.

  你要做的就是让一号房间的客人 搬到二号房间 二号房间的客人到三号房间 以此类推



