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tuba单词的意思,例句 Onceagain

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-06 19:39:46 分类:网络 浏览:84

  n. 大号

  [医] 管

  n the lowest brass wind instrument



  Man, there's a lot of tubas in here.

  老天 这里有好多大号啊

  And then her kitten fell into the tuba and she got stuck.


  Sorry. I always wanted to try a tuba.

  抱歉 我一直都想尝试吹一下大号

  Once again, the wall tubas must be checked out before use.

  再说一次 在使用墙上的大号前务必检查

  Tuba, get that key. I can help with the maze.

  图巴 拿上钥匙 我知道怎么对付迷宫

  Tuba probably wants to stay in this jungle car.


  You gotta get down here before these symphony people find out I can't play the tuba.

  你必须马上过来 以免这些交响乐团的人 发现我不会演奏大号

  Tuba was really nice and protected me and gave me good hugs.

  图巴对我很好 还保护了我 她给我很甜蜜的拥抱

  I could be one of those pretty, popular girls in the movies who wakes up and falls for the tuba player.

  我可能会是电影里 漂亮受欢迎的女孩之一 一觉睡醒就迷恋上吹低音大号的

  I'm not generally predisposed to trust a bunch of tuba players led by a man wearing fuzzy slippers.

  我通常不倾向于 相信一帮吹大号的 和他们穿毛绒拖鞋的领导



