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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-02 14:49:23 分类:指南 浏览:74

  n. 顽固分子

  [法] 顽固分子, 顽固派, 死不屈从者

  n one who adheres to traditional views



  they'll be more engaged I've had my fill of the diehards.

  他们会更关注... 我受够死忠了

  Really, only the diehards are left in the stands.

  說真的 觀眾席上剩的只有鐵桿粉了

  I was hoping to speak to more than just a few of the diehard faithful.


  Including the first two, were diehard fans.

  包括最初的两个 都是铁杆粉丝

  Maybe some real diehards, but it ain't legal.

  也许一些顽固派还在用 但并不合法

  I'm in the middle of nowhere with the most amazing, absolute diehards.

  我身处荒芜之境 和一群心地善良 遵循传统的铁杆派一起

  So I wanted to shoot this video update for the diehards who watch my channel.

  我想拍个视频更新上传 给那些看我频道的忠实观众

  I wouldn't call myself a curryhead diehard, but I want to meet them to see if I can discover what makes them tick.

  虽然我不想称说自己死忠咖喱饭 但我也想试试 能否做出让他们承受不住的辣味菜肴

  Me I was a legit, diehard film geek who obsessed over every little detail of every single movie.

  我 我是个名副其实的电影发烧友 每部电影的每个小细节都令我痴迷

  He saves face with the diehards by giving us public grief over military aggression and, in private, signs our deal.

  他明面上通过对军事侵略一事向我们致哀 在顽固分子面前挽回颜面 而私底下 则签署我们的协议



