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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-10-21 12:14:31 分类:妙招 浏览:69

  adv. 耐心地;有毅力地

  r. with patience; in a patient manner



  So we've gone from one patient to another patient to another patient.

  我们处理了一个接一个的病患 一个又一个

  It's a patient visit. I'm the patient.

  我是来看病的 我就是病人

  and our patient into to your immunocompromised patient.

  和患者都移进去 转移到你免疫力低下的患者身上

  She saw patient after patient after patient, and just as she was about to finish her first night float without one single phone call, she got one unusual patient.

  她接診了一個又一個的病人 就在夜班快要結束的時候 而且她一通求助電話也沒打 來了一位不同尋常的病人

  All right, we bring her in as a patient our patient.

  好吧 以后她是我们共同的病人

  No, no, my mom's a patient here or might be a patient.

  我妈妈是这里的病人 可能是这的病人

  I will be... patient. I will be patient.

  我会很...耐心 我会很耐心

  He said he took on board all the patient's risks, and he'd heard about the patient and didn't fancy him much, but when he heard it was me, I'm usually very sensible and he decided he'd have the patient.

  他说他考虑了患者所有的风险 听说了患者的情况 不是很想接收他 但听说是我要求的 我向来很明智 他就决定接受这个患者了

  To do that, though, we need to be patient patient and alive.

  为了达到目的 我们需要有耐心 最重要的是活着

  Remember, you can't help a patient unless you are patient.

  记住 除非你足够耐心 不然你帮不了病人



