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主谓一致 (Thesummitofsub

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-08-01 14:48:56 分类:妙招 浏览:124

  (the summit of subject-verb agreement)英语中,主谓一致问题是学习中的一个难点和重点,高考也常对此设考题。新教材中多次提到这一语法现象,现结合教材与我多年的教学总结归纳如下,供高中学生参考。



  eg: Tom and Jim are good friends. 汤姆和吉姆是好朋友。

  He and I are going to attend the meeting tomorrw.我和他将参加明天的会议。


  eg: The worlcer and witer is to attend our party.那个工人作家将出席我们的晚会。

  Bread and milk is beautiful food.牛奶面包是有益健康的食物。


  eg: No man and no animal is to be found on the moon.月球上尚未发现人类和动物。

  Every student and every teacher is to take part in the discussion.每个学生和每个老师都将参加讨论。

  Many a doctor and many a nurse is busy with their work.医生和护士都在忙于工作。


  eg: A fork and a knife is used instead of chopsticks.刀叉用来代替筷子。


  当句子的主语后面跟有附加成份together with (和…一起)、with、as well as、besides、but、except、like、no less…than (和…一样)、including、as much as (和…一样)、rather than (而不是),谓语动词的数不受这些附加成份的影响,而是与主语保持一致。

  eg: Mr Smith together with his wife and children has gone to America.史密斯先生带着老婆孩子去了美国。

  No one but Tom and Jack was invited to the party.除了汤姆和杰克没有人被邀请参加晚会。

  The teacher as much as the parents is to blame.教师和家长一样应受责备。

  Eight people including 3 children were injured in the car accident.在这场车祸中有8人受伤,包括3个孩子。


  ①由并列连词or、either…or、nor、neither…nor、not only…but also…等连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数应与最近的主语保持一致。

  eg: He or you are to blame.你或他都应受责备。

  Not only the earth but also the planets move around the sun.不仅地球而且其它行星也围着太阳运转。

  Neither the nor you are right.他不对,你也不对。

  ②在句型There be…、Here be…中,谓语动词的数通常与be动语仅换的主语保持一致。

  eg: There is a book, some pens and a box of chalk on the desk.课桌上有一本书,几支笔还有一盒粉笔。

  Tom, Here is a letter for you.汤姆,这儿有你的一封信。



  eg: Five years is needecl to realize the plan.实现这个计划需要五年的时间。

  A million pounds is a large sum of noney.一百万英磅是一大笔钱。

  Ten minutes is enongh to finish the work.完成这项十分钟就够了。


  eg: My family is a happy one.我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。

  When I got home last night, my family were watching TV.昨晚我到家时,我的家人在看电视。

  The class are listening to their teacher attentively.学生们正在专心地听老师讲课。

  The football team are training on the meadow.足球队员们正草地的训练。


  eg: Mathematics is a science.数学是一门科学。

  The United Nations was founded in1945.联合国成立于1945年。

  Every means has been tried.每种方法都尝试过了。

  而trousers、clothes、shoes、glasses、scissors等复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。但如这些名词前有限定词a pair of、a suit of修饰时,谓语动词则用单数。

  eg: This kind of glasses is made of glass.这种眼镜是玻璃制成的。

  My trousers are worn-out.我的裤子破了。

  There are two pairs of scissors on the table.桌子上有两把剪刀。

  4、一些形式上是单数,意义是复数的名词。如people cattle、police、public、mititia等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

  eg: Traffic police are always busy.交警总是很忙。

  The public were invited to express their opinions.公众被邀请去发表看法。


  eg: The chinese people is a great people.中华民族是个伟大的民族。

  The police is offering a reward to anyone who can give information about the lost cheild.警方给提供有关那个失踪男孩信息的人提供悬尝。



  eg: Constant dripping wears away stone.滴水穿石。

  To learn English well is not easy.学好英语不容易。

  When and where we will go has not been decided.我们什么时候去哪里尚未决定。


  eg: What we need here is an engineer.我们这里所需要的是一位工程师。

  What he said is true.他说的话是真的。

  What the srudents need are books.学生们需要的是书。

  3、all、some、most、heaf、more、part、the rest none等名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词的数要根据它们所修饰的名词或所指代的名词的数来决定。

  eg: Part of the story is not true.这个故事中的一部分是不真实的。

  Part of the apples are bad.一部分苹果是坏的。

  Most of his time is spent travelling.他大部分时间都在旅行。

  4、不定代词something、anything、nothing、somebody、anybody、everybody等作主语时,谓语动词用单数;但当either of、neither of 、each of接复数词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

  eg: Everything aroucld us is matter.我们周围的一切都是物质。

  If amyone wants to ask questions, ask him to cone to my office.如果有人要问问题,请叫他到我的办公室来。


  eg: I know the girl who was praised at the meeting.我认识刚才在会上受表扬的那个女孩。

  Mary is the only one of the student who was late for class this morning.玛丽是今天早上迟到的唯一的学生。

  Many is one of the studnts whe were late for slars this morning.玛丽是今天早上迟到的学生之一。


  eg: Three-fifths of the earth surface is sea.地球表面三分之二的地方是海洋。

  More than 80% of the stuedents are from the country side.我们学校百分之八十以上的学生来自农村。

  7、定冠词the+形容词或过去分词表示一类人,如:the ald、the young、the poor、the rich、the dead、the wounded等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

  eg: The rich are not always happy.富人并不都幸福。

  The wounded were taken to the hospital yesterday.昨天伤员都被送到了医院。

  In the old days, the poor were oppressed by the rich.旧社会,穷八受富人压迫。

  The old todays are living a happy life.现在的老人过着幸福的生活。

  8、the number of +名词作主语,强调总数,谓语动词用单数;a number of +复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

  eg: The number of students in our class is 70.我们班的学生总数是70人。

  A number of tourists like visiting the Great wall of china.许多游客都喜欢参观长城。



