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中蒙关系 [摘要]2011年,中蒙两国建

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-07-28 18:05:19 分类:随笔 浏览:145


  >> 中蒙俄在“一带一路”框架下深化合作的现状前景 中蒙经贸关系现状浅析 中蒙俄经济合作走廊建设的现状及前景分析 浅析中印关系的现状与发展前景 中蒙关系的罗生门 中蒙经贸关系的发展与存在的问题 深化中蒙全面战略伙伴关系的机遇与挑战 金融危机影响下的中蒙经贸现状与发展机遇 图们江区域合作背景下中蒙旅游合作发展现状及前景分析 美印经贸关系的现状\特点及前景 红枣贮藏加工的现状与前景 略论戏剧的现状与前景 传统家具业的现状与前景 网络医学的现状与前景 网络仲裁的现状与前景展望 馆藏图书的现状与前景 国内台灯行业的现状与前景 JavaScript技术的现状与前景 浅析冷战后印度与中国台湾地区经贸关系的现状及前景 解密中蒙关系演变史 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.



  Abstract:In 2011, China and Mongolia established the strategic partnership, to further expand the interact in political, economic and cultural fields and create more favorable environment and opportunities.In the last ten years China has been the largest trading partner and largest investor of Mongolia. China's assistance for Mongolia loans increased steadily.The border trade and regional trade has been active. There are still some disadvantages in the development of bilateral relations, but the economic cooperation between the two countries is strongly complementarity, cooperation in the field of service trade is gradually strengthening, environment protection and infrastructure construction has been futher improved.

  Key words:China; Mongolia; strategic partners;economic and trade



