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我的音乐英文怎么写 最近,为了让我的音乐收藏回归有

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-03-22 23:00:16 分类:妙招 浏览:98


  Recently, I took a first step toward getting my music collection back in order.


  Or, to return to my musical metaphor, you will know which college is playing yourtune.


  Over the years, I ve ripped my music onto various computers and, in the process,muddled my MP3 collection to the point where I have numerous directoriesrepresenting a cornucopia of music.


  He was dying of cancer and he told me how much he loved my music and me.


  克雷格 大卫:担任亲善大使,这一新的角色将使我有机会通过我的音乐来激励抗击结核病的斗争。

  CD: My new role as Goodwill Ambassador will give me the chance to energize thefight against TB through my music.

  早些时候他 来我的音乐节目中做过客,写了一点管弦乐 我喜欢干这事:感觉就像是音乐里的填词游戏。

  Earlier he d been in my studio, on m(1至100朵玫瑰花各代表什么意思?1朵玫瑰花语:我的心中只有你only you。2朵玫瑰花语:这世界只有我俩。3朵玫瑰花语:我爱你i love you。4朵玫瑰花语:至死不渝。5朵玫瑰花语:由衷欣赏。6朵玫瑰花语:互敬互爱互谅。7朵玫瑰花语:我偷偷地爱著你。8朵玫瑰花语:感谢你的关怀扶持及鼓励。9朵玫瑰花语:长久always。10朵玫瑰花语:十全十美无懈可击。11朵玫瑰花语:最爱只在乎你一人。12朵玫瑰花语:对你的爱与日俱增。13朵玫瑰花语:友谊长存。14朵玫瑰花语:骄傲。15朵玫瑰花语:对你感到歉意 i ' m sorry。16朵玫瑰花语:多变不安的爱情。17朵玫瑰花语:绝望无可挽回的爱。18朵玫瑰花语:真诚与坦白。19朵玫瑰花语:忍耐与期待。20朵玫瑰花语:我仅一颗赤诚的心。21朵玫瑰花语:真诚的爱。22朵玫瑰花语:祝你好运。25朵玫瑰花语:祝你幸福。30朵玫瑰花语:信是有缘。36朵玫瑰花语:浪漫。40朵玫瑰花语:誓死不渝的爱情。50朵玫瑰花语:邂逅不期而遇。99朵玫瑰花语:天长地久 forever。100朵玫瑰花语:百分之百的爱 100% love。)y music program, writing some orchestralmusic which I love doing: it s like a musical crossword.


  But these plug-ins aren t huge, and aside from my music library, I have more than enough disk space.


  I don t think my music changed at all because of where I lived.


  I don t have a specific goal. I only want to let my music grow.


  I stream my music wirelessly from my computer to my stereo.


  I m in the midst of the recording process, working with incredible songwriters andproducers, and my music has really evolved.


  I ve actually exercised just to listen to my music.


  Thankfully due to my music career, my love of the road will remain satisfied eitherway.


  This was around the time my musician parents recognized that their one and onlyoffspring was not musically gifted.

  他说: 实际上我打算在台上面对着大家创作我的音乐,只有它就不是一种事先准备好的。

  Actually I am going to create my music on the stage, in relation to people so it s not a preset music.


  Hence, my music for me means rebellion against my superego. My Music is theadvocate of my soul.

  斯塔夫再现 。妈妈把我的音乐才能看作是情理中事,就好比她眼中的我是那样出色、迷人,又天生聪慧。

  Mom took my musical ability as a natural extension of my general wonderfulness,charm, and native intellect.


  My family, my friends, my art, my music, my writing, and my community work areconstant sources of joy and satisfaction.

  父亲是我的音乐启蒙老师 。

  My dad was my first musical influence.


  Like most Lifehacker readers, I m using Dropbox to sync my files across multiplecomputers including a subset of my music collection.

  但在我的音乐中,你就可以省心了, 塔伦蒂诺说, 我要找的东西,保准是你之前没有听过。

  But in my music, you don t have to be alive at all, Tarantino said. I m looking forthat stuff that you haven t heard a gazillion times before.


  B: It s not noise. It s my music.


  B: It s not noise. It s my music.



