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tone是什么意思 darktone

作者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-10 08:45:02 分类:笔记 浏览:52

  n. 音调, 音质, 语调, 语气, 色调, 气氛, 状况, 思想状态

  vt. 给...定色调, 增强, 使...的声调和谐, 定音调

  vi. 颜色调和

  [计] 双音频

  n. the quality of a person's voice

  n. (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages

  n. a steady sound without overtones

  n. a musical interval of two semitones



  I heard a tone. I invented the tone.

  就是语气不对 那语气还是我发明的

  That tone is the same tone that I use on dates when I'm not interested.

  那个语气跟我应付 不感兴趣的约会对象时一模一样

  I don't know how I can tone things down any more than I'm toning them down.

  这已经是我 最收敛的状态了

  Yeah, it's a dark tone, long, long, deep, dark tone.

  是 这真是黑暗 非常 极其黑暗

  You cannot speak to me in that tone.


  But if you tone it down a touch, we're there.

  如果你的动作能含蓄一点 那就完美了

  There's a tone that you have. I get that.

  那是你说话的语气 我懂

  But that's not the tone of this statement at all.


  And what was that all about? I don't like your tone.

  刚才那算什么 我不喜欢你的语气

  And from your tone, I deduce you are with her now.

  从你的语气听来 我推测你正跟她在一起


