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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-10-24 13:53:23 分类:妙招 浏览:100

  a. 分等级的;按年级分的

  s. arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks



  Can't be my grades, my grades are amazing.

  不可能是因为成绩 我成绩那么好

  No. I realized that the eighth grade boys like the ninth grade girls, so I started dressing up like a ninth grade girl.

  不 我发现八年级的男生 喜欢九年级的女生 所以我开始打扮成九年级的女生

  In the fourth grade, I was reading at a seventh grade level.

  四年级时 我就能读懂七年级的书

  I won the 7th grade reading challenge in 6th grade.


  I won the 8th grade science fair in 7th grade.


  I mean, we were in the same grade, but we didn't really become close until eighth grade.

  虽然我们是同级 但到了八年级我们才真正亲密起来

  Grade II astrocytoma, which as it turns out is a good grade, so I'm proud of the little guy.

  星形细胞瘤二期 是一个不错的阶段 所以我为我的小家伙自豪

  All grades are final, so please, don't come to see me expecting to negotiate a higher grade.

  所有分数都是最终成绩 所以请不要指望来找我 要求改判加分

  And he really likes eighth grade girls, so I thought that if I looked and acted like an eighth grade girl, he'd ask me to the dance.

  他很喜欢八年级的女生 所以我想着如果扮成一个八年级的女生 他就会邀请我去舞会

  I'd have been all over that in ninth grade.




