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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-07-16 20:09:07 分类:解惑 浏览:138

  n. 目标, 终点, 得分, 球门, 守门员

  vi. 攻门, 射门得分

  n. the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it

  n. game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points

  n. a successful attempt at scoring



  It's not about my goals. It's about your goals.

  这不是我的事情 这是你的事

  I care because your goals are my goals.


  I guess a girl goal is better than no goal.


  Always in the background, subsuming your goals for his goals.

  甘居幕后 为了他的追求而委屈自己

  I am confident, I achieve my goals. I achieve my goals.

  我有自信 实现我的目标 实现我的目标

  Oh, it's still a goal, but from now on, the primary goal is staying alive.

  还是我的目标 只是从现在开始 主要目标是要生存下来

  You set a goal and you made a goal, so now is the part where you get excited.

  你设定了一个目标而且实现了它 现在你应该感到兴奋

  Well, I discovered the only thing worse than scoring on your own goal is getting scored into your own goal.

  我发现唯一比 打进自家球门更糟的事 就是自己被打进自家球门

  A 20game season, you score 20 goals because you've scored one goal a game.

  一个赛季二十场比赛 进了二十个球 因为你每场比赛进一个球

  And he is an extraordinary person, but maybe your goals and his goals were just never gonna line up in the end.

  而且他有着杰出才能 但是 你俩的目标可是天壤之别



