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作者:admin 发布时间:2023-07-16 00:20:02 分类:随笔 浏览:94

  n. 星号

  [计] 星号, 星号通配符

  n. a star-shaped character * used in printing



  I will always have an asterisk by my name.


  so put an asterisk by his name for violating the rules of compartmentalization.

  所以就让他因为 违反任务划分条例而被打上星号

  Ignore me, allow them to come between us, and you will become an asterisk.

  无视我 让他们离间我们 那你只能成为一个注脚

  When we send your grades off to colleges, they don't come with an asterisk letting them know you were sad.

  当我们把你的成绩发给大学的时候 不会在旁边加个星号备注 告诉他们你很悲伤

  I guess asterisks are kind of like the chastity belt of the vowel world, in the vowel community.

  星号就像是在元音社会里 元音界的贞操带

  But what I really like, what I really like is when people spell curse words using asterisks.

  但我真正喜欢的是 人们用星号替代脏话

  Anyway, we just have to buy ourselves some time, so put an asterisk by his name for violating the rules of compartmentalization.

  反正我们只需要给自己争取一些时间 所以就让他因为 违反任务划分条例而成为特别关注对象

  You've always been the perfect one that mom and dad worshipped, and I've always been the one that did things with an asterisk next to them.

  你一直都是爸爸妈妈眼中唯一的骄傲 而我所做的每一件事情 最后都会加上不光彩的注释



